01 Sep Frapont sponsors of the Nuestros pequeños hermanos program
Frapont is a proud sponsor of the foundation Nuestros pequeños Hermanos, in Honduras.
Since 1985, NPH Honduras, the local branch NPH Foundation, is offering a home and permanent family to 406 orphaned and other high-risk children, providing them with comprehensive care in a safe environment where they receive quality care, education and medical attention. In addition, NPH provides educational programs and guarantees the learning of a trade through an occupational training program.
Frapont is sponsoring since 2016 the carpentry workshop of NPH, created in 1988, by providing a financial support to buy material, tools, and equipment so the students can go ahead with their training and prepare for their future insertion.
If you wish to support this wonderful project, have a look at NPH main website: www.nph.org